Spiritual Electricity

Uncategorized May 11, 2023
A brief summary...

The Human Nervous System is a dynamic communication network that interprets information received from the outside world and internal organs, and initiates translations to these responses. Our bodies are electrical systems where our nerves act as the wires that conduct the electricity, both voluntarily and involuntarily.  Electricity also vibrates through the body with the help of water.

β™ŠοΈŽ GEMINI ~ The 3rd Zodiac Gateway:  

Our brain is the house of the mind + the center of activity for the nervous system. In the Gemini Gateway of the Zodiac Wheel, we shift into the element of Air and bring our focus into the workings of the mind. 

"Thought precedes everything in the Universe + is an integral part of spiritual + physical creation." ~ The Pyramid Code

The entire Universe and everything in it receives its life-force and being-ness from NATURAL electricity. Thought is the power that connects the entire Universe, including Humans, animals, plants, E.T.'s, and the Divine. Natural, or Spiritual electricity is said to be the vital energy that is necessary for the survival of the Universe in all its' frequencies and vibrations. It is not the same electricity that we are accustomed to think of. It can provide us with infinite energy if we can learn to guide our minds toward purifying our consciousness. 

Frequency + Thoughts
→ The general frequency of the entire body as a whole is 7.83 Hertz
→ The general frequency of Planet Earth is 7.83 Hertz (known as the Schumann Frequency)

At its most basic, frequency is how often something repeats. In the case of electrical current, frequency is the number of times a sine wave repeats, or completes, a positive-to-negative cycle. The more cycles that occur per second, the higher the frequency.

→ → Modern technology works at a frequency of 50-60 Hertz

"There is a great deal of artificial technologies that surround us at any given moment. Much of it resonates at poisonous levels. This has led the global frequency to decrease along with the frequency of the people living in it. Along with its' advancements + comforts, it has also brought various illnesses (physical + spiritual) that significantly effect the power of thought + the Soul."  ~ The Pyramid Code

Thoughts are mental cognitions—our ideas, opinions, and beliefs about ourselves and the world around us. They include the perspectives we bring to any situation or experience that color our point of view (for better, worse, or neutral). If our bandwidth (frequency) is low or overstimulated, it will be difficult to connect to virtuous thoughts that contain within them, Spiritual Electricity.

Language + Consciousness 

Thinking is directly correlated to language. Language provides the framework for an individual's thoughts, as well as for society, values, and beliefs. The language a person speaks has an influence on their mind and how they view the world. Our thoughts create our reality and influence the entire planetary field. Our consciousness is our level of awareness of internal and external existence. Conscious awareness is the golden key to access the higher octaves of our Soul. Our participation is what turns the key.

Purifying Consciousness through Language

"Language is a self fulfilling prophecy." according to Robert Tennyson Stevens. The author of Conscious Language and creator of Mastery Systems™οΈ, he has spent the greater portion of his life dedicated to the study and application of the impact of language on human consciousness. In his book he states:

"Our awareness ~ that which we are Conscious of being ~ is the tapestry of our life. Our language is found in every thread and fiber of our reality. By changing one word within ourselves, we expand, contract, or alter our Consciousness, our awareness and our reality." 

I had the fortune to attend an in-person introduction to his works a few weeks ago in Austin, TX and found it to be an incredibly helpful tool for my mind and awareness in daily life.

Up Level Your Communication

The following VIDEO is an online version of the introduction for Conscious Language and is very similar to what I experienced in person. 

Nervous System Support

Supporting the balance of your nervous system helps to alleviate the countless ailments that plague so many people, leading to a poor quality of life, relationships and health. On the flip side, there are countless ways in which you can help support your nervous system ~


Planting with the Moon is our 12 month offering that takes people around the Zodiac wheel and through many of these practices to help support the growth of your inner + outer garden. Learn more about this epic offering HERE.

πŸ’ Enjoy this FREE MEDITATION as our gift to you to help support your nervous system and elevate your mind!
LOKAH SAMASTAH SUKINHO BHAVANTU ~ May All Beings Everywhere Be Happy and Free

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πŸ™πŸ½Tracy + Ronnie, The Cosmic Gardeners